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2 Months After ACL Surgery for BJJ

What’s up! We are at the 2 month mark after my ACL surgery.

Boom boom boom. The time has been passing pretty fast.

Looking back it seems like the time has passed quickly but while I was going through it the process felt long.

Some cool new updates this week:

My Workouts Have Gotten Better

A few weeks ago I started working out again. I felt super fatigued and nauseous. To be honest I still felt like that during the first few workouts of this week.

But I have been working out a bunch. I worked out like 4x last week and this week every day.

I do basic exercises every time. My workout consists of: squats, deadlifts, press or bench, hamstring curls machine, calf raises, pull ups and dips.

The Weather Has Gotten Warmer

The weather here in Toronto has gotten a bit nicer. I have been taking a few walks through the park as I like to do. Nothing relaxes me more.


I Have Been Working More on the Richmond Hill Boot Camp

I have been contacting different gorups around Richmond Hill and offering free trial classes at my boot camp. I am lucky to have a good group of people who enjoy training there.

What’s Up Next

I am moving in a couple of weeks so that’s the next big thing. I don’t have a lot of stuff to move. I live pretty bare bones and I like it that way.

I have been paying more attention to my health. I’ll be coming out with a post about my blood test results.

I have also been supplementing with vitamins and minerals. Still eat like crap like 10-20% of the time so I need to cut that in half.

I want to get back to BJJ so bad. I am supposed to take 6 months off after surgery. I plan on coming back after 5 months. Just doing light drills for a month and working my way up to completing a class.

I will be as patient as necessary to make sure my knee heals back up fully before engaging in any kind of serious workouts.

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