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Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

I’ve always heard that apple cider vinegar is really good for you. After seeing this video by Enhanced Athletes on the benefits of apple cider vinegar I decided to give it a try for a few days.

The main benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar listed in the video were:

  • Rich source of minerals (especially potassium)
  • Lowers glycemic index of food. Lowers the speed at which glucose enters the blood, and with that lowers the peak glucose and insulin secretion
  • Good for digestion
  • Has a light diuretic effect and can help shed excess water weight
  • Anecdotal evidence of reducing acne. Balancing PH for the skin. Anti-microbial for the skin
  • It is acidic so it kills bacteria in the throat and stomach
  • Has been shown to lower cholesterol in rat studies
  • Potassium thins the mucus
  • Suppresses appetite
  • Acts as an anti-fungal (good for people doing BJJ)
  • A lot of bodybuilders use apple cider vinegar to mitigate the negative effects of hormones like acne and water retention.
  • How to take Apple Cider Vinegar

    1. Drink it – Buy the organic Braggs pure apple cider vinegar and take a 1/2 a shot every day. That is what I have been doing.

    2. Apple Cider Vinegar Pills – I have heard you can also buy pills. A lot of the information I found said that drinking the pure apple cider vinegar is better because you absorb more of it.

    Anecdotal evidence says the pills are a bit less effective. And you may have to take a bunch. Drinking it is probably easier.

    3. With Food – Some people like to put it on their salad.

    4. Topical – I have heard of people rubbing a bit on their skin to help with fungal infections. Don’t know if that would work. I would try it though.

    My Experience with Apple Cider Vinegar

    Every night I take 1/4 – 1/2 a shot of braggs apple cider vinegar. It tastes super bad and it’s a strong taste. But since it’s a shot it doesn’t bother me.

    Pro-tip: I do it just before going to bed so I can brush my teeth right after taking the shot.

    Some people worry about damage to the throat and teeth due to the acidity. I have not experienced that. I take a shot and swallow it right away so none of it touches my teeth.

    However everyone is different so if you start having pain in your throat from the acidity then maybe it’s not for you. Also, try not to gargle it or anything. If you want to mix it with water and drink it then use a straw.

    Most bodybuilders drink about a shot glass worth.

    Whatever you buy make sure it’s not diluted. The best brand I have seen everyone use is: Bragg USDA Certified Organic Raw Apple Cider Vinegar W/ Mother | 32 Oz Bottle

    Overall Apple Cider vinegar is a supplement with proven health benefits and it is cheap. So I see no reason not to take it.

    I am going to keep it as part of my daily routine. It takes 5 seconds and if it helps with my health then I am all for it.

    { 1 comment… add one }
    • Lila April 24, 2017, 7:34 pm

      Exactly! Tastes awful but the benefits are sooo worth it

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