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In this post I wanted to introduce or re-introduce you to a super cheap and effective way to train your core, arms, and back. Most people know about Ab Wheel Rollers. They cost between $10-15 and they are awesome for improving core strength and arm strength. Check out the video below for demonstrations: I am [...]


It has been 3 months since my ACL surgery on January 30, 2017. In terms of strength my knee is doing very well. I just came back from the gym and I squatted 280lbs 3 sets of 5 reps, deadlifted 315 1 set of 5 reps. It was my first time deadlifting more than 300 [...]


Are You Eating Enough To Recover?

The #1 mistake skinny athletes are making is not eating enough to recover from their workouts. There are exceptions to this rule. And there are tons of wrestlers and boxers who starve themselves year round so they could fight in a particular weight class. I’m just going to talk about my personal experience. If you [...]

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Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

I’ve always heard that apple cider vinegar is really good for you. After seeing this video by Enhanced Athletes on the benefits of apple cider vinegar I decided to give it a try for a few days. https://youtu.be/yCtKNydDwFY The main benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar listed in the video were: Rich source of minerals (especially [...]

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In Home BJJ Drills Workout

Hey, just so you guys know, nothing on my website should be taken as medical advice. Please talk to your doctor or physio therapist before trying anything. This blog post is for entertainment purposes only. As most of you know I am recovering from an ACL surgery (2.5 months from date of this writing). My [...]