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We all have a goal. If not, go get one and come back to this post. In order to accomplish your main goal you have to prioritize your life around that goal. Ronnie Coleman is an 8x Mr. Olympia (highest title in bodybuilding). In the video below he describes a typical day for him while [...]


Who Is Travis Stevens? If you do BJJ you probably already know who Travis Stevens is so you can skip this section. For readers who don’t know, he won Silver in Judo in the 2016 Olympic Games, he won the Pan American Games twice (2007, 2015), and he won a whole bunch of other stuff. [...]


One of my clients started taking collagen supplements because it was recommended to her by her chiropractor. https://youtu.be/Nmd6PeWd5g0 My client suffers from a bit of neck pain and I wanted to do some research on collagen. The main ingredient in her supplement was hydrolyzed collagen. Whenever I am looking up how good a supplement is [...]


2 Months After ACL Surgery for BJJ

What’s up! We are at the 2 month mark after my ACL surgery. Boom boom boom. The time has been passing pretty fast. Looking back it seems like the time has passed quickly but while I was going through it the process felt long. Some cool new updates this week: My Workouts Have Gotten Better [...]

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6.5 weeks after ACL surgery for BJJ

What’s up guys and girls. It’s been a little while since I last posted. In the last 2 weeks I have been: – Apartment hunting – Taking blood tests and measuring my health stats – Working every day (I get tomorrow off woohoo!) Finding an Apartment My girlfriend’s parents are selling their house and moving. [...]