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Squatting ATG vs Squatting Just Below Parallel

Hey what’s up guys. I’ve encountered this question 2x this week so I wanted to make a blog post about my thoughts on the subject.

  1. You can get very very strong using both methods. It doesn’t really matter. But it does a little bit…
  2. You lose tension in your hamstrings when you go too low. I personally feel that when you squat and your hamstrings get nice and tight/engaged – you lose some of that when you go below a certain point.

I squat to get strong so I don’t want to lose any tension during the exercise. I want to use the heaviest weight (with good form) that I can and keep my muscles engaged the whole time.

3. When you keep the hamstrings tight and go a bit below parallel you get a “stretch reaction” at the bottom that makes it easier to contract and stand up with the squat. When you go ass to grass there is a point where your hamstrings relax in order to get you into the ass-to-grass position and you lose tension at the bottom.

4. I learned all this from StartingStrength.com and their books. If you want a more detailed explanation check out their article on it.

Remember: As long as you squat below parallel you can get strong as fuck using both methods. It doesn’t really matter.

I like the just below parallel method because it keeps my hamstrings tight and I use the stretch reaction at the bottom to propel me back up.

What do you guys think? How low are you squatting?

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  • Lila May 1, 2021, 4:00 pm

    I like squatting just below parallel as well! Gives more momentum to get back up

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