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Day 1 After ACL Surgery

Ok so I got the surgery Monday morning. You can read about it in detail here.

The day after was interesting.

The nerve block was starting to wear off and I was beginning to feel some pain in my leg. I still hadn’t taken any painkillers yet.

In terms of movment I could walk around without crutches but it was very slow and painful. I could only put like 10% of my weight on my bad leg. My good leg was taking 90% of my weight the first day.

But I was happy I could walk around without crutches.

I did some leg raises and flexed my leg a bit to get the blood flowing and start the healing. The leg raises were tiring and painful. Rehab pain not re-injury pain.

As the day progressed the pain was increasing (because the nerve block was really wearing off). So I took 1 Oxy every 4-6 hours.

My girlfriend was there for most of the day. We ate, watched apprentice, talked, etc… It was fun times.

The pain was OK. Not too bad. Like 4-5/10 so it was very tolerable.

My girlfriend left around 8pm and I went to bed at 11.

I woke up at 2am and my leg was hurting so bad! I had to go pee and getting up was so painful!

The pain had escalated to a 7/10. Even just lying in bed and not moving hurt so much I couldn’t fall asleep. So I just lay there until 7am.

Now it’s 8am and I am writing this blog post. I had some food this morning and was able to take a pain killer and I feel much better.

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