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Day 2 and 3 After ACL Surgery

I slept a little bit more last night. Day 2 was probably the day I took the most pain killers (just 1 every 4 hours). It was the most painful day so far.

The painkillers cause constipation but fortunately I am a pooping machine. I normally poop 2-3x per day but on these pain killers it’s once per day. Which is still fine.

I am constantly icing my knee. 20 minutes on, 20 minutes off. I also keep my knee elevated almost all the time.

Today is day 3 and I can take off the wrap around my knee. Check it out:

Day 3 – I am allowed to take the wraps off. Bandages stay on.

After removing the wrap I was able to take a shower. The two hardest things right now are: putting on my pants and taking a shower.

I am grateful that I did so much strength training before the surgery because my good leg has had to do a lot of extra work lately.

I still can’t walk without pain. It’s more of a hobble at this point.

Overall I am in less pain today (day 3) than I was on day 2. It is 1pm and I only had to take 1 pain pill today so far. Yesterday I took 5 in total and today I think I will take 3.

I have my first physio appointment tomorrow. I am excited to get out of the house and see how my knee is doing.

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